I am undeniably an avid reader of numerous aviation blogs and that fundamentally is the reason I started this blog. As a result I feel it only necessary to credit those blogs which I have inspired me so much and also to allow new blog readers to this area to gain a wider library of great blogs they can read.
So here we go my top 5 in the aviation blogging world.

From Private to Professional Pilot
From Private to Professional Pilot: Flight Training, Tips, and Advice
From Private to Professional 

Now this really is fantastic blog and got me into the blogging world, I'm not quite sure how I stumbled upon it but I'm glad I did. The blog tracks Swayne's progress from a comprehensive training log up to his personal flights now, its great to look back and learn from his lessons and see how far he has come in a relatively short period of time. A definite recommendation to you.

Aviation Guy
Aviation Guy

This blog is fundamentally different in the fact that it is able to cover a much larger section of the aviation world rather than just training flights and I like that. David posts everything from air displays to his own flights and being a navigator in USAF makes these post very interesting. All in all it certainly worth a read.

Flight To Success 
Flight to Success

What a massive audience this blog appeals too! Karlene must be doing something right! A very well composed blog with interesting topics and issues raised, which other bloggers wouldn't touch, a truly unique and insightful view into the world of aviation from a professional pilot. Perfect.

The Student Pilot Blog
The Student Pilot blog

A very well run blog with a very nice website design (something I aspire to) it follows the progress of Chris as he tackles the challenges of being an easy jet cadet pilot, his blog as I said earlier, is very well run and so regular informative posts are there along with a good selection of pictures to keep you interested. If you are looking into the commercial side of the aviation industry this is the blog for you.

Bush Flying Diaries, Indonesia
Bush Flying Diaries, Indonesia: Spitfire, Harvard and Tiger Moth flying
Bush Flying Diaries, Indonesia

The key to blogging is telling an interesting story, right? Well if this is the case then boy, this is one awesome blog. Matt, is basically working in Indonesia flying smaller planes around some of the most incredible landscapes in the world. What a job. Having followed a similar path as Matt so far (being in the air cadets) I feel an alliance towards his blog, but having said that who wouldn't! What an epic thing to write about. Give it a look, seriously!

Well, there we go, my top 5 in the blogging world. Thanks can only go to the authors of these blogs for putting them together and keeping them up to date.

Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed this post why not leave a comment below, or if you think another blog (including your own) should be included leave as a comment also.

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