I have been accumulating new pieces of kit recently as my requirement for navigation and map plotting has increased and so I thought it was about time that I made a post logging all the new equipment.
The new equipment
So, a quick run through of each piece of kit will follow below and hopefully over time I may be able to do a more detailed look at each piece once I have had more experience with it actually in use.

Pilots Bag

The new flight bag I have got which should be able to carry the rest of the gear of have.

Mapping Equipment 
1:500,000 map with ruler and bearing measurer which I proved in-valuable for quick route planning

Flight Computer
A good product, but I don't really know how to use it.

Stop Clock
Really useful, I would definitely recommend it to you.

All in all the gear should see me for quite a through years and I hope it all serves me well, if anyone wants any advice on how the gear is performing over time and if its worth it please leave a comment, and on the note of the flight computer if you know a good guide or video it would be really helpful if you could leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading.