So, after you have taken the leap into the unknown and decided that learning to fly is for you unfortunately the next stage is to purchase some books. Although I was reluctant at first to read through the boring pages it really does help when it comes to your in flight knowledge. Don't think that this is solely what a pilots licence consists of because it isn't, it just is a relatively small but vital part. Also, the books act as a good introduction guide for the course to come, if you decide to take lessons. Just a quick flick through the books and you can get a taste for what's to come.
The books I have been using in order to supplement my flying. 
Having read through a chapter in the book you will be prepared to go through the corresponding lesson with much more fluency and also will have the basic concept already under your grasp. During your lesson its only the practical side of it that you need to learn whilst up in the air. There are some excellent diagrams within the books which can help you get to grip of the manoeuvres and the procedures you will use as well as where the relevant instruments are usually located.
The diagrams used within the manuals.

I am sure that the books will also prove useful when revising for the exams that will come later in the licence and I will post on this when I reach that point. 

If you would like to purchase an updated version of the manual I am using click here. There may be better guides on the market at the moment so it might be worth investigating.