Although this is definitely early days for my blog I would like to set out a few goals for which I will try to reach throughout the course of the rest of this year.


  • 10 flying hours before September.
  • Solo a powered plane also before september (this does seem rather optimistic my I figured it might as well set my targets high)
  • Grasped a good understanding of the theory side of the licence so that I am in good stead for the written exam. 
  • 1000 views for the blog before the end of april, once again this might be a little optimistic but you never know. 
  • I also would like to have flown in a larger variety of aircraft by the end of this summer so a gain a greater understanding of the different handling qualities that each aircraft can have. 


All in all this check list will certainly keep me busy for the months to come and I will be able to record if and when I reach these goals through the means of this blog. 

Thanks for reading.