So just as the weather is picking up here in the UK and the sky is full of planes and gliders soaring over, the plane in which I was hoping to fly in this week has broken. The Trago Mills is side by side trainer and is usually very reliable. Unfortunately the right magneto has in essence broken and so is going to have to be overhauled. This in turn requires parts from america which will take a while to arrive so my flight also will be set back a week or so.
The Trago Mills aircraft I will be flying in.

I guess I can take this set back in one of two ways.

  1. Either, sit back and get increasingly annoyed as I watch all these planes fly over head or,
  2. I could try to focus I gaining a little more knowledge from the text books so I am able to get more out of the lesson when the plane is fixed. 
I think the second is advisable. If life's a challenge then you must attempt to over come the little announces and set backs and this is the perfect opportunity for me to do this.